Result Category: Discharge Board, ADSEP Board, & BOI

Drug Accusation

Navy LT with over 20 years of service was prescribed a medication his provider failed to properly put in his dental record. Even after showing the prescription, his command continued to persecute him. Client was a war hero for his deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, but the command was relentless. However, Steph was relentless too. After a finding of NO BASIS at his first BOI, PERS took him to another one based on the same…


Domestic Violence Accusation

Chief Petty Officer was accused of domestic violence, delaying his appointment to Chief Warrant Officer. Steph fought for nearly a year to prove he did not do what he was accused of. After only 6 minutes of deliberation, he was fully exonerated by the ADSEP Board. Steph attended his promotion to CWO a few weeks later.