Archives: Results

Positive Codeine Test for Sailor

Abby represented a Sailor who tested positive for codeine on a random urinalysis. Abby drafted a strong NJP package, outlining the law and the flaws in the investigation. The CO stopped Mast in the middle of the proceeding to conduct a better investigation. As a result, all charges against the Client were dismissed and the urinalysis was removed from the Client’s record.


Prostitution Sting Arrest

Steph represented a Sailor who was arrested as part of a prostitution sting. However, the Client had done nothing legally wrong. Steph did extensive research and presented legal arguments for exactly why Client did nothing that violated the UCMJ. After reviewing Steph’s argument, the CO withdrew and dismissed NJP.


Article 15 Case

Abby represented an Air Force client who was threatened with the cancellation of recruiting duty during the course of an Article 15. Abby’s advocacy led to the Client being allowed to PCS for recruiting duty.


Advocacy of Behalf of Petty Officer Second Class

Client was suffering from serious medical issues, leading to lapses in his ability to complete his duties. Even though he was an otherwise responsible Petty Officer Second Class, his chain of command was fighting hard to take his rank and strip him of his NEC. Steph’s aggressive advocacy on his behalf led to all his punishment being suspended and the CO refusing to take his NEC, requiring his chain of command to back down.


Tested Positive for Meth

Client, who was seriously injured in an accident while on active duty, was in the process of receiving a medical retirement. Client tested positive several times for methamphetamines. Client’s command processed her for notification separation, attempting to prevent her from getting a medical retirement and impose a general discharge characterization. Steph presented an extremely compelling response to the notification, and the Navy chose to medically retire the Client with an Honorable characterization of service.


Inadvertent Exposed to THC

Client was inadvertently exposed to THC through her civilian roommate. Regardless of her innocence, the Client’s command chose to take her to an ADSEP Board, potentially causing her to lose her 12-year career. Steph presented a compelling case. After only 15 minutes of deliberations, the Board unanimously found NO BASIS.


Chief Petty Officer – Multiple Charges

Steph’s Chief Petty Officer Client faced six charges and 11 specifications, ranging from conspiracy, fraternization, forgery, false official statements, communicating threats, and extramarital sexual conduct. Client was found guilty at NJP. Because of Steph’s representation at his ADSEP Board, the Client received NO BASIS on all allegations. The Senior Member of the Board even apologized to Steph’s Client for having to go through the process.


Tested Positive for Methamphetamine

Client tested positive for methamphetamine on a random urinalysis and was being processed for administrative separation, which would have ended his 15 year Naval career. Only through Steph’s extensive investigation and advocacy, was it revealed that Client had been innocently exposed to methamphetamine in the line of duty, which caused him to test positive. After a two-day, heavily litigated ADSEP Board, the Board found NO BASIS.


Positive Cocaine Test

Client tested positive for cocaine. Steph’s advocacy revealed the source of the exposure and countered all the government’s arguments for why Client should be found guilty. The Board agreed with Steph, and they found NO BASIS in only 6 minutes.


Tested Positive For Cocaine

Abby’s Petty Officer Second Class Client tested positive for cocaine. Client turned down nonjudicial punishment. Abby conducted multiple witness interviews, gather character letters, prepared his statement, and wrote a retention memo that outlined the issues for the ADSEP Board. The Board found NO BASIS.


Officer Accused of Multiple Instances of UA

Steph’s Officer Client was accused of multiple instances of UA, dereliction of duty, and false official statements. Steph represented the Client for over a year of pressure, investigation, and borderline aggression from their command even though the Client was already set to medically retire. The case was taken to a BOI where Steph’s advocacy resulted in the Client being retained and allowed to effectuate his retirement orders.


Court-Martial of Marine Corps Sergeant

Steph’s Client, a Sergeant in the Marine Corps, was facing court-martial for assault and battery on a junior Marine. Steph relentlessly investigated, ultimately learning more about the case than the prosecutors. This resulted in the charge being dismissed and the Client staying in the Marine Corps, keeping his rank, and ultimately promoting to SSgt.


Special Court-Martial for THC Delta-8

Client was facing a Special Court-Martial for THC Delta-8 and one other minor offense. Steph’s aggressive trial approach, including investigating and finding witnesses that exonerated her Client, resulted in the Navy dropping all charges against her Chief Petty Officer Client.


Court Martial – Navy Master Chief Petty Officer

Abby’s Client, a Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, was facing court-martial charges for an allegation of helping junior Sailors cheat on their advancement exam. Abby was relentless in her pressure on the government to provide discovery and litigate motions. She expertly cross-examined the witnesses, exposing their biases and motives to fabricate. Client was fully acquitted with a finding of NOT GUILTY.


Investigation For THC Use

Steph helped her Petty Officer First Class Client during an investigation for THC use. Steph worked to uncover the source of the innocent exposure to THC, gather evidence, and present a comprehensive case to the Investigating Officer and CO. The CO concurred, and sent a letter of innocent ingestion to PERS.


Sexual Assault Accusation

Client was accused of sexual assault. Steph helped the Client navigate the investigation stage, communicated with the Office of the Special Trial Counsel, and submitted a request to preserve vital evidence that would exonerate her Client. Ultimately, both the OSTC and the command agreed the allegations were unfounded. Client was able to EAOS with an Honorable discharge as planned.


Commanding Officer Investigation

Steph represented a Commanding Officer in a command investigation, helping guide the Client through high-stakes allegations. As a result, no action was taken against the CO.


PAC Complaint Against Marine Corps GySgt

Client was a GySgt in the Marine Corps charged with a PAC complaint for racism, sexism, and harassment. Client originally faced allegations that could have resulted in ADSEP. Steph helped the Client navigate the investigation, which ultimately resulted in the Client receiving nothing more than a 6105 for a lapse in leadership. Client’s career was saved.


Sexual Harassment Accusation

Abby’s Army Sergeant First Class Client was accused of sexual harassment of a trainee. After Abby’s aggressive representation during the investigation and subsequent Letter of Reprimand response, the LOR was locally filed and the Client was able to PCS. The LOR was removed after his PCS and his career was allowed to continue on.


BAH Fraud Accusation

Client was a Sergeant in the Army accused of BAH Fraud. Steph helped him navigate the investigation into the allegations, and he was ultimately allowed to separate with an Honorable discharge characterization.


Positive THC Test

Steph’s Client was a CWO4 in the Navy. He tested positive for THC on two back-to-back urinalyses. Steph conducted a thorough investigation, then compiled a litany of evidence of innocent ingestion for the Investigating Officer. Steph represented the Client at two separate interviews. Ultimately, the CO agreed to process an innocent ingestion waiver, and the case was closed in the Client’s favor.


First Amendment Rights

Client was a SMSgt in the Air Force who was accused of exceeding the limits of his limited First Amendment rights. Abby advocated heavily on his behalf, outlining the legal issues in a way that was easier for the command to understand. Abby’s work led to the Client avoiding an LOR, UIF, or Control Roster.


Allegations of Falsifying Official Records

Steph’s GySgt Client was accused of falsifying official records. Steph navigated him through the investigation stage. Allegations that could have resulted in court-martial were ultimately handled at a 6105. Steph’s assistance with the Client’s response to the 6105 resulted in it being withdrawn and never put into his record.


Investigation for THC Use

Steph helped her Petty Officer First Class Client during an investigation for THC use. Steph worked to uncover the source of the innocent exposure to THC, gather evidence, and present a comprehensive case to the Investigating Officer and CO. The CO concurred, and sent a letter of innocent ingestion to PERS.


Sexual Assault Accusation

Client was accused of sexual assault. Steph helped the Client navigate the investigation stage, communicated with the Office of the Special Trial Counsel, and submitted a request to preserve vital evidence that would exonerate her Client. Ultimately, both the OSTC and the command agreed the allegations were unfounded. Client was able to EAOS with an Honorable discharge as planned.