Archives: Results

Solicitation and Adultery Investigation

Client was a Coast Guard E-7 under investigation for solicitation and adultery. Abby tirelessly advocated for him through the investigative process. As a result, no charges were brought against the Client, and he retired from the Coast Guard after 22+ years of service.


Article 15 Case

Steph represented an Army enlisted Client who was facing serious consequences as a result of receiving an Article 15, including the potential loss of naturalized citizenship. Steph put together a compelling package in extenuation and mitigation, which resulted in the commander taking leniency on the Client and saving her career.


Alleged Cocaine Use

Steph put together a response to a notification ADSEP asserting an innocent ingestion defense to an allegation of cocaine use. After receiving the response, the JAG contacted the Navy Drug Screening Laboratory, who confirmed that the innocent ingestion claim was valid. The command withdrew the notification.


Abusive Sexual Contact Accusation

Steph’s Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Client was accused by an officer of abusive sexual contact. Steph prepared a case so strong that the Board found NO BASIS in less than 2 minutes of deliberations.


Domestic Violence Accusation

Client was facing an ADSEP board for domestic violence. During her detail-oriented preparation for the case, Steph was the first person to realize that the Navy lacked jurisdiction over the Client. Client received an Honorable discharge.


Positive for THC Delta-8

Steph’s Navy Petty Officer Second Class client was extremely scared because she had no idea what could have caused her to test positive for THC Delta-8. Steph presented her client’s case to the ADSEP board, educating them about the prevalence of this substance and the dangers of accidental exposure. The Board found NO BASIS in 13 minutes.


Navy Court Martial

Steph negotiated an extremely favorable deal for her client, a Navy Chief Petty Officer. She initially represented him in the investigation into a wide-range of very serious offenses. During the negotiations, she was able to get the Government to withdraw all the most serious allegations, securing an outcome that ensures the client will have a good future outside the Navy.


Drug Use and Assault

Abby represented a Marine Corps Client accused of drug use and assault. Abby guided the Client throughout the investigation, including coordinating with CID and the JAG regarding updates and the evidence in the case and helping him with the SACO. Due to Abby’s tactful guidance, the Client was allowed to hit his EAS and separate honorably.


Improper Relationship Accusation

Abby’s Army Sergeant First Class Client was accused of improper relationships. Abby represented her through the whole investigation and GOMOR process, which took nearly a year. After Abby submitted a response to the GOMOR, the Commanding General decided to file it locally. The flag was lifted, and the Client was thrilled to finally be able to transfer units.


Marine Denied Reenlistment

Marine Corps client was denied reenlistment based on an inadequate investigation and a refusal by the command to follow the applicable regulations. After months of fighting back, Steph’s arguments to Headquarters Marine Corps prevailed. Client was allowed to reenlist.


Domestic Violence Allegations

Steph’s Navy Corpsman client was under investigation for multiple allegations of domestic violence and MPO violations. Steph helped him navigate the investigation and worked with his command to reveal the inconsistencies in the allegations and the motivation for false allegations. Client was recommended for retention to continue his MEB retirement process.


Civilian DUI

Steph helped her Marine Corps Client navigate the military consequences of a civilian DUI. The way she advised her Client to handle the situation, including receiving inpatient alcohol treatment, resulted in her Client being allowed to EAS as planned with an Honorable discharge.


Alleged Inappropriate Relationship

Client received NJP for an alleged inappropriate relationship. Steph represented the Client at NJP and did an appeal, highlighting the lack of evidence, legally incorrect charge, and mitigating factors. The General Court-Martial Convening Authority agreed with Steph’s arguments and granted the appeal in part, resulting in dismissal of one charge and overturning one month of forfeitures. The command confirmed Client would not be administratively separated.


Serious Mistakes Made

Steph represented a Client who made some serious mistakes, even after prior nonjudicial punishment. Steph worked with the Client to get their career back on track, avail themselves of resources, and demonstrate why they deserved another chance. After Client and Steph appeared at NJP with the CO, the CO decided to grant leniency to the Client by only imposing NJP rather than moving toward administrative separation.


Failing to Perform Duties

Client received NJP for an allegation of failing to perform her duties as a Corpsman. Her chain of command was aggressively pushing for the maximum punishment, including removing her rate and potential ADSEP. Steph put together a compelling response that the CO spent 3 hours reading and considering. The CO ultimately gave the Client an extremely light punishment, not affecting her rank or rate, and retaining her in the Navy.


Positive Test for THC

Abby’s Client, a Sailor with 19 years of service, tested positive on a urinalysis for THC. Abby prepared a compelling response package that outlined the law, the applicable regulations, and why the facts supported innocent ingestion. At Mast, the CO dropped all charges and deemed it innocent ingestion. He immediately received an outstanding evaluation and returned to his duties.


Domestic Violence Accusation

Steph’s Client was accused of domestic violence by his ex-girlfriend. Client himself had actually been the victim of domestic violence by her, which Steph revealed through gathering evidence and doing a legal analysis. The Client’s punishment for his role in the interaction was suspended, he received a positive evaluation, and he was deployed as planned.


Positive THC Test

Client tested positive for THC and the command attempted to separate him using notification administrative separation proceedings. Steph assembled a response that explained exactly where Client had been innocently exposed. After reviewing the response, the CO withdrew the notification and allowed Client to continue his career in the Navy Reserve.


Sexual Harassment Accusations

Client was a Navy Senior Chief accused by multiple junior Sailors of sexual harassment offenses. During the NJP process, the Client’s rights were repeatedly violated, and Steph aggressively pushed back. At the ADSEP board, Steph pointed out the utter lack of evidence supporting the allegations and revealed the mistreatment from the command. The Client was exonerated with a finding of NO BASIS in less than 20 minutes.


Recruiter Misconduct

Steph’s Client, a Recruiter in the Marine Corps, was accused of recruiter misconduct by multiple recruits, including sexual assault under Article 120, UCMJ. Steph’s aggressive and creative representation resulted in findings of NO BASIS to the most serious charges, and a retention recommendation for the rest. Client got to continue his Marine Corps career.


Sexual Assault Charges

Client was an Army Sergeant First Class accused of sexual assault. There were five total allegations against him. After a two-day, heavily contested discharge board, Abby secured a finding of NO BASIS. Her preparation was cited by the board members as one of the main factors contributing to the result.


Marine Court Martial

Client was a member of an elite Marine Corps unit accused by his ex-girlfriend of a variety of domestic violence offenses. Steph did not back down, filing and winning motions and gathering evidence. After a year and a half of investigation, followed by aggressive litigation by Steph during the general court-martial, the Government withdrew and dismissed all charges just weeks before the start of the trial.


Marine Court Martial

Abby’s Client, a Marine Corps Sergeant, was accused of abusive sexual contact during a complicated divorce from his now ex-wife. As the case progressed, Abby won favorable rulings and the Government offered multiple deals. The Client refused any compromise due to his innocence. After intense litigation at a general court-martial, where Abby unveiled lies and inconsistencies through cross-examination and delivered a brilliant closing argument, the Client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges.


Air Force Sexual Harassment

Air Force Officer Client was being investigated for sexual harassment. Steph and Abby interviewed witnesses favorable to the Client that SFOI chose not to. After Client was issued a letter of reprimand, Abby put together a response with evidence and arguments that convinced the command to withdraw the LOR.


Investigated for Sexual Harassment

Air Force SSgt was investigated for sexual harassment. After a strong Letter of Reprimand response from Abby, the LOR was withdrawn and the case was closed.